Our Services

Aerial Inspection Services

Aerial Inspections

Cost Reduction

Reduce the cost of inspections at height and in confined and dangerous environments with an Aerial Inspection.

Inspections carried out in confined spaced and/or at height can be a relevant cost to your business as well as the associated risks to health and safety for the people involved. Our Aerial Inspection Services completely eliminates these risks reducing  planning, time and costs.

Our Aerial Inspection Service can accurately identify maintenance requirements and monitor your site environments remotely, without the cost of equipment usually associated with regular inspections.

It’s a professional and compliant service that is supported by a dedicated team, including a ENAC accredited drone’s pilots and full ground crew when necessary.

Aerial Inspections

How can we help

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Aerial Inspections

Drone Inspection Areas

  • Offshore Platforms
  • Industrial plants, buildings, equipment and piping
  • Bridges, power lines, rooftops
  • Wind Turbines
  • Solar Plant
  • Any kind of production site

…and many others

Let’s Collaborate

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